canoe & kayak hire

Below are our list of Self Guided and Guided Canoe Trips down the Whanganui River.

Guided Whanganui River Trips

Guided Canoe TripGuided options are available at Owhango Adventures. Contact us for pricing information.

Enhance your Whanganui River Canoe experience by a canoe trip down the river with an experienced local guide.

Our guides come from the local indigenous (Māori) people, who have a detailed knowledge of the Whanganui River and the background to the places you see along the way as well as the history of the area.

Self Guided Canoe Hire

1-day trip

This is a breath-taking trip on the upper Whanganui River. The trip starts at Cherry Grove in Taumarunui and ends in Ohinepane further down the river. This trip requires a minimum of 4 people.

Arrive at Owhango Adventures Base at 0745am.

Depart on your River Journey at 0830am.

Arrive back at Owhango Adventures Base at 2pm. 

This trip is recommended for experienced paddlers that can navigate rapids and obstacles with quick turning techniques.

Difficulty Level – HARD


Please call if you have less to see if anyone else is waiting for a full party.

$190 per person (over 14 years old)
$165 per person (under 14 years old)

$171 per person (groups of 6+)



2-day trip (Taumarunui to Whakahoro)

The 2-day journey starts at Nga Huinga (Cherry Grove) in Taumarunui and ends up in Whakahoro. This 57 kilometer stretch of the Whanganui River passes through classic King Country farmland and includes many historic sites of interest as well as 79 rapids up to grade 2.

Depart from Owhango Adventures Base on the first day at 0730am.

Arrive back at Owhango Adventures Base on the final day between 2-3pm. 

This would be an ideal Group or Club event!

This trip is recommended for experienced paddlers that can navigate rapids and obstacles with quick turning techniques.

Difficulty Level – HARD

$210 per person (over 14 years old)
$185 per person (under 14 years old)

$189 per person (groups of 6+)

(Free accommodation could apply)

It is important to book your Department of Conservation (DOC) passes but if you have any difficulty we would be pleased to help you to arrange this.


3-day trip (Whakahoro to Pipiriki)

This 3-day journey takes in the most picturesque part of the Whanganui River from Whakahoro to Pipiriki. This stretch of the river covers 87 kilometers of untouched New Zealand bush, with an abundance of streams and rivers that merge into the Whanganui. You can walk (45 minutes each way) from the Canoe Trip to the Bridge to Nowhere.

Accommodation on this 3-day journey can be in huts or designated campsites along the river.

We recommend staying at the John Coull and Tieke Kainga campsites.

Depart from Owhango Adventures Base on the first day at 0715am.

Arrive back at Owhango Adventures Base on the last day between 2-3pm.

This journey is recommended for all levels of paddlers – beginners to experienced.

Difficulty Level – EASY

$215 per person (over 14 years old)
$190 per person (under 14 years old)

$194 per person (groups of 6+)

(Free accommodation could apply)

It is important to book your Department of Conservation (DOC) passes but if you have any difficulty, we would be pleased to help you to arrange this.


4-day trip (Ohinepane to Pipiriki)

An alternative to the 3-day for those with more time, this trip begins shortly before the start of the 3-day in Ohinepane and also finishes in Pipiriki.

As it is a longer journey, you have the option of choosing alternative campsites/huts to avoid crowds.

Depart from Owhango Adventures Base on the first day at 0715am.

Arrive back at Owhango Adventures Base on the last day between 2-3pm.

This journey is recommended for paddlers with some experience.

Difficulty Level – MEDIUM

$230 per person (over 14 years old)
$205 per person (under 14 years old)

$207 per person (groups of 6+)

(Free accommodation could apply)

It is important to book your Department of Conservation (DOC) passes but if you have any difficulty, we would be pleased to help you to arrange this.


5-day trip (The Great River Journey)

This is the official Department of Conservation ‘Great Walk’ which encompasses the entire navigable part of the Whanganui River- 145 kilometers worth of beauty.

Meander down the river at your own pace and take in all of the incredible scenery and history from ‘nui’ pole to the Bridge to Nowhere walk.

BOOK NOW , to the Tieke pa on this once in a lifetime expedition.

Take a ride through New Zealand history and experience this once crucial ‘highway’ of early trade. Serviced huts and campsites available for accommodation.

Depart from Owhango Adventures Base on the first day at 0715am.

Arrive back at Owhango Adventures Base on the last day between 2-3pm.

This trip is recommended for experienced paddlers that can navigate rapids and obstacles with quick turning techniques.

Difficulty Level – HARD

$230 per person (over 14 years old)
$205 per person (under 14 years old)

$207 per person (groups of 6+)

(Free accommodation could apply)

It is important to book your Department of Conservation (DOC) passes but if you have any difficulty we would be pleased to help you to arrange this.


Te Araroa Trail – 5 Day River Journey from Whakahoro to Whanganui 

Rest your legs for a few days with a beautiful scenic paddle from Whakahoro to Whanganui.

Specialized for Te Araroa Trail walkers.

This journey is recommended for all levels of paddlers – beginners to experienced.

Difficulty Level – EASY

$250 per person (Ages 14+)

$225 per person (groups of 6+)

What’s Included –
1 night’s free accommodation when you pass through Owhango.
Free Wi-Fi at our base.
Showers and Toilets Available.
Dinner and Breakfasts Available upon prior request.
We will meet you at Whakahoro on the morning of your paddle with all your required gear and groceries.

Options –
Shuttle Availability from Taumarunui to Owhango
Food and Grocery Storage (chiller available).
Package Receival Via Post.
We will pick your groceries and items up in Taumarunui and store them at our base until required.
Resupply available upon request at Pipiriki halfway through your journey.
Item storage for your journey which we can drop off to you at the end of the journey in Whanganui.

– Accommodation will be a room in our lodge at our Base in Owhango, your booking group will have a room to yourself unless otherwise stated (will only be shared in extremely busy circumstances).
Showers and toilets are available. Very basic cooking facilities at the moment as our kitchen is under construction.
Lounge and dining area with TV, coffee and tea facilities for you to relax. Grassed area out the front with picnic tables.

Journey Information –

Mangapurua to Tīeke Kāinga – 10.5km, 2 hours
Tīeke Kāinga to Ngāporo campsite – 12.5km, 2.5 hours
Ngāporo to Pipiriki – 9km, 1.5 hours
Pipikiri to Jerusalem – 10.5km, 2 hours
Jerusalem to Matahiwi Landing – 11km, 2 hours
Matahiwi Landing to Koriniti Pā – 7km, 1.5 hours
Koriniti Pā to Pungarehu Marae – 26.5km, 5 hours
Pungarehu Marae to Upokongaro – 24km, 5 hours
Upokongaro to Whanganui Top 10 Holiday Park – 3.5km, 45 minutes
Whanganui Top 10 Holiday Park to City Bridge – 7km, 1.25 hours

Important Information –

It is important to book your Department of Conservation (DOC) passes but if you have any difficulty, we would be pleased to help you arrange this.

You will need to sign a standard waiver before your paddle begins.

If you are making a booking for a large group and require another departure time, please advise us in the comments section.

This is an unguided paddle.

Important Information

Owhango Adventures can assist you with the booking of DOC sites along the Whanganui River.

Peak Season 1st October to 30th April

Huts – Adults $30 per person per night, under 17 years of age free. 
Campsites – $14 per person per night, under 17 years of age free. 

Off-Peak Season 1st May to 30th September

Huts – $15 per person per night, under 17 years of age free. 
Campsites – free

It is important to book your Department of Conservation (DOC) passes but if you have any difficulty, we would be pleased to help you to arrange this.

Free Accommodation Special

We have for a short time only we are offering FREE accommodation for canoeists; conditions apply.

Please note there is no Cell Phone reception on the Whanganui River Journey.